What is Great Truth?

We all aspire to live in a harmonious community, a community where love prevails over hatred, where compassion conquers indifference, where kindness succeeds over cruelty and where humanity triumphs over inhumanity. And for this to happen, we need to develop that universal character within ourselves by leveraging our common sense, meaningfulness and usefulnesswhich in turn should become our trait with a broad outlook to grow as an individual culminating into becoming a better human being.

To express ourselves, universally, predominantly the overwhelming word generally used is ‘I think’, which is basically a continuous process, where the spiritual nature of mind is such that, both, the mind and reactive mind reacts. This is primarily to search within ourselves, use and utilize our wisdom, knowledge and come up with an articulated narrative to express our ‘I think’ lucidly no matter when, where or whether the topic is simple, hard or involves conflicting conversation. This is extremely imperative for harmony for self or society we live.

We define and design the activities in our lives with our soul being at the center of the focal point. No matter what topic, conversation or dialogue is, or no matter it is at a domestic, or international level or no matter it is between family,friend’s conversations, or national debate or international political, diplomatic relations, the spirit of the source of truth shall always prevail. And it has to prevail in the simple reason of connection, solution and to make a constructive change, it is the truth of humanity that binds us together to create a better world.

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