The rationalist tradition in philosophy states that a world is external to our beliefs that is somehow accessible to the human mind. There are many “truth-bearing propositions about the world that correspond with reality or states of affairs in the world. The real truth of the phenomena that make up the world shows that the world is comprises of physical objects such as rocks, trees, books, tables, and many other objects. This is the world of our experience, as we perceive them through the five senses. According to philosophers the world as we know is “phenomenally real but transcendentally ideal. Suppose you pick up an apple. You see a specific shape and color. You can feel its weight and bite into it and taste whether it is sweet or sour. These all are your experiences of the apple. But these experiences would not tell us much about the ‘real’ apple. To understand the absolute truth and the phenomena of the world, you need to experience reality itself.
We can readily experience the physical world; however, everyone’s experience of the world is a bit different. We all have different life experiences, beliefs, and dispositions that shape our perception of the world. The absolute and universal truth about the world is based on our perspective. Some philosophers say that our worldview creates a set of lenses through which we interpret everything. Interpretation and perspective, knowledge, and wisdom are vital elements that give us an objective view of reality.
Knowledge and wisdom suggest people have a theoretical view of truth and contemplate how to apply it. Usually, people don’t spend time thinking about what truth is but tend to get by without understanding the reality of truth. We need to practically observe what the truth is and how it influences our life. You need to make decisions daily. Your view of truth can impact how you show up at work or influence the decisions you make about raising your children or dealing with a conflict.
The greatest truth establishes a relationship with God. Discovering what reality is and applying it in our lives enable us to build the kingdom of God and prepare for eternal life. The biblical verse explains that “Divine truth is absolute”. Truth teaches us that love will never force people to change; instead changes your soul. We don’t recognize that human souls have a vast and powerful potential for intelligence, passion, creativity, feeling, and healing. As we begin to open to reality and Divine Truth, we understand that all the suffering, fear, and evil is the natural result of living out of harmony, peace, and love. We will be able to learn from our mistakes, overcome our errors, and discover the element of joy and happiness that exist within us.
A great truth depicts moral rules, good deeds, and the exercise of the natural love of a human towards their fellows. Human kindness, compassion, and acts work out their rewards and bring happiness and peace to our lives. They get a feeling of great love for our souls. Truth gives faith and hope. Faith is the genuine belief of humans when they cannot see or touch something. Strong faith implies humans pursue the truth, and if they understand God’s actions and can act according to the fact, then this is their genuine faith and shows that they have not lost hope in God. It shows how God works and helps a human when circumstances are beyond human reach. This is the faith people need, especially during times of hardship and refinement. Hence, if you can pursue the truth through refinement, you can indeed love God and strengthen your faith.
We need to have a world proposition; these propositions are either true or false. Knowledge helps a person to justify the truth. Theories of knowledge attempt to describe when a person is in a right and cognitive relationship with true proposition. The knowledge of the physical world is ultimately grounded upon reasoning and experience. At the same time, interpretation and perspective are vital ideas that give us an objective view of reality.
To further know about the greatest truth, read the book, Religious Freedom Forever By Andy Swarna. Andy is an out-of-the-box thinker. He identifies himself as a self-learner. He is always concerned about resolving issues that people face in their daily lives. The author’s journey in politics, faith, and conflict resolution has revealed a historical fact and a universal truth that sums up the whole creation in a thought. The natural truth helps us envision our perceptions, allowing us to understand the power of honest thinking. To turn your ideas into reality, whether in the form of a resolution, law, or principle, it has to go through a specific process. This process contains knowledge from different thinkers, philosophers, ideologists, and historians. As suggested by thinkers and ideologists, using knowledge and the universal truth helps to reach one’s goals in faith and politics. Andy’s work has enabled him to devise a plan, a purpose, and being universal human is a solution to all human problems.
Reading the book lets us know that truth is the interaction between God. The holistic belief, spiritual enrichment is linked to many vital aspects of human behavior. Spiritual people have positive relationships, higher self-esteem; they are more optimistic and follow a vital purpose in life. A truly spiritual approach builds your faith and creates spiritual awareness about the reality of eternity. Hence it helps us reach the level of true success, enables us to live fulfilled, successful, happy, and become spiritually sound!