Religious Freedom Issue: Joseph Kennedy v. Bremerton School District

As the author of Religious Freedom Forever, the advancement of faith and politics,

I know questions that come across in this scenario, and the same is what I found after reading news about this case today, i.e., April 26, 2022. 

Such as,

Coach Kennedy said: It is his fundamental right to Pray. And students joined him voluntarily.

Well known cultural opinion on this matter: What do we teach our children not to Pray?

And another side argument brings the depth of the case, based on their study and findings, and how the constitution shall lead its conclusion.

However, Great Truth

promotes the value, Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem.

And this value is based on the natural story of an individual.

Humans have many stories, such as nationality, religion, gender, race, caste, language stories, etc.,

and also have a natural story.

We know the conclusion of the conflict in faith and politics through the natural story.

And this value is the new capacity through the natural story for individuals to live beyond the conflict of faith and politics.

Living above conflict in faith and politics is living as a solution to an issue or conflict, just like we know engineers, doctors, lawyers etc., as solution providers to the human problems.

And coach Kennedy, a government employee, has the responsibility to live beyond the conflict of faith and politics.

Like engineers and doctors and lawyers so forth, professionals understand the sensitivity of each service they do or responsible they carry.

The living resolve of a Religious Freedom issue is making sure God, faith in God, or personal Prayer does not become an invitation to politics and faith. It could be a voluntary invitation of his students and staff, or leading to build an argument based on the pending issues before the Court and branches of Government such as Under God, In God We Trust ideologies or any other creative manner.

And this particular issue of Faith in God is in US Supreme Court from a Government employee. It is a clear violation of fundamental rights as an invitation to the political conflict.

The constitution represents how we are many to one. Equality by law. This many to one and equality by law in terms of faith is religious freedom. It declared Government cannot decide and cannot make a political resolution on the Belief in God.

The message of Great Truth to students and parents is to build a culture to live as a solution to the issues in faith and politics. Religious Freedom.

Through Great Truth, building the value and culture of Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem.

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