Religious Freedom and Universal Meaning of Life

Greeting to all of you,

I am Andy.

This video is about;

Religious Freedom and Universal Meaning of Life

The religious freedom is one of the fundamental human right. The right of conscious to believe or not believe;

Through which religious institutions engage in ecumenical work; and issue concerned prayer, education, contraception, business and culture.

However the root of all concerns are ideological differences that stem from religious motivation and or political intentions.

That being said,

universal meaning of life from religious freedom is considering, in religious freedom there is context, a challenge, and competition, that ponders; can you as individual live as solution to all social and religious issues?

And universal meaning of life is resolve of this ideological differences and answers, and fulfills this question with

the story through which everybody can be educated; motivated and live with awareness in their life as an example to solution to all social and spiritual matters.

Thank you.

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