This article informs we humans have a new resolution and solution to all the underdeveloped issues due to our origins in identity, belief and behavior. And it makes individuals solution providers to human problems in faith, politics and religious freedom instead of seekers. Let’s discus.
The inspirations and motivations surrounding “belonging and self-worth” are insightful and luminous to delight the happening thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, and accumulated experiences to comprehend and to makeshift. One of the primary motivations for wanting to feel like we belong and have self-worth is to be accepted by others. We may also want to feel like we are good enough, or valued, in our own right. Feeling connected and validated by others can help us build a sense of self-worth. Additionally, feeling connected gives us strength and resilience when times get tough; it makes us more resilient against stressors in our lives. Aspirational belonging allows individuals to flourish both professionally and personally – from their standing within their communities, families, or workplaces, as well as from the perspective of their own inner selves. Finally, self-worth can be a guiding light for our actions and decisions in the world.
Feeling like we are doing valuable things – whether those things are personal or professional – can help us feel good about ourselves and make us more likely to take on opportunities that could lead to further growth and progress. This awareness of belonging and self-worth in faith and politics brings attention to the center of everything, to the presence of “you are one of us” and everything that you can hope for and desire, and you are allowing yourself to be a vehicle for magnanimous themes of expression. Out of “you are one of us,” the lot common obviously strongly knitted political affiliation of the “who will do and why” and their actions have access to the collective stability with the people who will support their politician irrespective of incorrect decision simply because they are of a certain faith in religion—followed by its influence to control the narration of the issues, business and products, and so on. In the reason of “you are one of us,” from its strongest link to the weakest link by the adherence to politics and faith, have many things to act upon. Being active conduits of its trust spread its dynamics across the spectrum to manifest as a source that was passed and is about to come.
The dynamic of belonging and self-worth in faith and politics has the potential to create a strong link between people, which can result in more constructive action. However, if politicians rely too much on their religious beliefs to make decisions, this could lead to incorrect decisions being taken based on misguided values. In order to ensure that faith is used effectively in politics without compromising accuracy or impartiality, clear guidelines must be established regarding what is allowable under the guise of religion.
Religious freedom is the freedom of consciousness to believe or not to believe in God. And in this human right, there exists a fight between two ideologies. One ideology always tries to inject religion into politics and, thereby, into government. Another ideology is on the religious freedom of separation of powers, in which government is a political and legal organization, including all its branches. In this war between two philosophies, being carriers of inherent ownership for their thoughts, distrust, and ideological existential threat living with conflicting minds paves to form power groups to claim their cause for development for all. Overlook the incompetency due to isolation of fact, a pliant majority to exchange favors with various initiatives, as an ethical standard covertly interfere culminating a form moral authority, in a nutshell, they contend in every possible way to advance their ideology and mission.
This is where religion and politics clash. Religion tries to impose its will on the political realm. Politics, in turn, do not always appreciate being told what to do by people with a religious agenda. Politicians who use their faith as a guide for policymaking can be successful when they are able to integrate their faith into their overall worldview without taking it too seriously or letting it interfere with their judgment. When politicians rely exclusively on religious beliefs rather than using logic and reason, this can lead to incorrect decisions being made based on misguided values. For example, if a politician believes that God tells them that homosexuality is a sin, they may pass laws prohibiting homosexuality or discriminating against LGBT people. In these philosophies, the principle is at the center of the vision that sustains an organizational structure. And it is always in conflict with the other side and never rests like a salt tide. What can anyone expect from an individual is which side you are on? There are no other options than to believe, not to believe. However, the new conclusion of related and unrelated knowledge is not least what can be expected out of an individual with an option to choose which side of ideology rather a solution to this conflict in faith and politics.
This conflict resolution is for the internal beliefs and motivations, and external behaviors and influences, to the “transaction of putting oneself in someone’s position”, to the “beyond all could be known,” for “ages mankind searching for answers that eluded them since time immemorial” there is a distinction between what human can define cannot define.
In other words, Derrida would say: “Faith cannot be reduced to reason.” The reason is what we use to investigate the world and come up with explanations for things. Faith, on the other hand, is based on a belief in something without having any proof or evidence. From this perspective, it could be argued that individuals who have faith should not participate in politics because their beliefs will conflict with those of others and there is no way to resolve the conflicts.
This new reason in the faith and politics with conscious, who is the person next to you, the person next to you could be your father, mother, brother, sister, or a friend, however, when the person next to you is we understand each other, you can have a conversation not just up to I believe in God but until belief in God Should be a solution, not a problem, establishes a universal definition of an individual and its belief and its humanity. It is the conscious of universal identity or large definition of “understand each other,” and divine identity or universal definition of “Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem.” In this new reason, you know the way to be truthful to yourself in faith and politics that keeps you away from being hidden, to live with the highest benefit and share great truth of identity, belief, and behavior in this world. Thus speaking of the highest benefit of being a human, the purpose-driven readiness for why one act the way they act fulfills the great truth of identity, belief, and behavior.
First, it is important to define what we mean by faith. Faith can be defined as a belief in something having any proof or evidence by mystery of art, known by the journeys of divine intervention. The highest benefit is the master storyteller of one issue that connects every another issue upholding the quest, answers, and certainty over the creation by harmony, love, compassion, happiness, and kindness. These are the most learned without qualifications, an appeal to consistency without getting lost. The issue thrust of so much to communicate, your like-minded becoming as an expression, to be a reason of your own side with confidence and fortitude, a value with deep inside, in the limitless beauty, creative, wonderful, strong, capable of your worth. The master story of creed in interact as it is a given and intuitively to perceive the things, emulate self as in service through conversation. This service and conversation are belonging, a constant drive to know, finds, explore, face, expand, discover, invent, and define. And as empirical data has gone through the logic, human value to embrace dignity by human rights; all the derives in the freedom and worthy and context by reason and circumstance to move forward. However, the conflict between the unsettled mind and its possibilities in faith and politics rates morality as an unsettled vital utterance by the politics and faith. The vital energy of the soul for its teaching, redemption, wonder, and an instrument to shed light, and makers’ tool to witness what is known and meant to come and let us say their thoughts translate into horses of 4 different colors, red, blue, white, and gray.
Each color horse represents a particular philosophy, red represents a conservative, blue represents a liberal, and white is resolution, whereas gray is penetrating with secret and curiosity. The various philosophies represented by the color horses are conservatism (red), liberalism (blue), resolution (white), and secret/curiosity (gray). It is important to understand these philosophies in order to make informed decisions about how best to live our lives. Thus, as human beings, it is our responsibility to learn about all of the different philosophical positions and consider them when making decisions. By virtue, as a potential seeker for success, by its the very nature of want, we build its likeness by conversations overcoming swings of the matter through dealings of life, led by “gray horse.” In contrast, its product is two new horses, a Pharoh horse, and a Justice horse. This revelation is to settle the world and perfect the world by abilities that recognize Pharoh horse representing politics not meant for universal belief. Pharoh horse doesn’t uphold the freedom of choice; rather, unregulated enforces its own will. In contrast, the Justice horse represents the constructive abilities needed for change. The universally spread intelligence through the understanding, by all it can define to bring justice. And this justice horse recognizes the distinction of divine purpose; God made a covenant and is conscious to seek redemption by building one’s relationship with God. In that desire self-worth known by its magnanimous, universally permeated, healing, find the reality of every dwelling aspect and wonders of creation, undefined soul and renewed by His truth nothing of this creation. Our deep conviction in the master story is a given commitment to inspire to comfort the vision. A vision represents universal unity.
The conviction of unity is the message for diversity, a resolution in many to one; multiple contenders to find agreeable exercise to an agenda and over deplorable injustice and corrosive behaviors. Whereas deep conviction is priceless when resolved than coexist with uneasy in the threat prone to disintegrate will of beacon, hidden explorer in the society; one must know the fragmentations that discourage, beliefs that orient markups as the responsibility fall onto them. The deep conviction in faith and politics makes an individual the center of constructive change. It redefines the conscience of conviction as it cannot be an unaltered commitment, making a defender over the wide range of issues in faith and politics. It empowers individuals to synchronize the harmony of universal identity, belief, and behavior. It is universally many to one, and it is the natural way for an individual to universally many to one. Nothing can turn away an individual as there is no more conscious reliance on external authority that makes you feel limited and deviate from proven complete conduct. Nothing remains worthless, limited in the potential that can set you up against one another. The master story of faith and politics is a diffused conviction, and there is no more lack of knowledge or strength. So the character to follow, commitment resonates passion for tuning into, and success to celebrate is the interwoven ambition free of any fact or actuality that drains validity, thereby turning away from one another. Truth is now great truth, live your great truth, share your highest benefit human is a solution to human problems.
In other words, when the person next to you “understand each other” the best in thinking, best in living, and best in action found in purpose in the raise that speak people means all people. We mean all we’re to the happening to encourage different things put together to tell your story. It is a summit of facts to deliver the interest for all, the best performance in education. All that knowledgeable and accessible at best with convenience; A measure to stay true to your goals for humanity; the way to see, so it to be the person in all things for success; the risk of crisscrossing lines in finding yourself or creating yourself over that hurts settled forever consciously, or subconsciously. It is the courage to pursue and hold on to self for the wish you want to see with clarity laid out for a better world. There is no confusion or mistake anymore in the new reason of solution for happiness for one another. In utilizing issues under faith and politics, an individual is energized with the freedom to speak of the mind from whichever diversified background, context, and culture may be; can process meaning to inspire harmony, an assertion over the contradiction. And there is no more nonexistence of peace in all-knowing, in all teaching; a new reality of service of interwoven experience. Whereas Belief in God is a solution, in all that familiar and unfamiliar in written form in divine grace but true to self, inherent access to the potential to the mystery of art, great truth-the knowledge is not of this creation, an individual manifested the ongoing need to imprint in the inquiry and problem solver in other words responder to the interface asserting relationships of existence including the infinite meaning, and mystical practices, the indeed distinguishable communion feature return to enter into the creational thought, all truths are different than the truth that exist and one’s relationship with Him. In that thought and reality, humans have the highest manifestation as a receiver of God made a covenant, to which who is individual to God? Is it faith, interfaith, intra-faith, multi-faith, God, and Nation? Rather, it is an image of an individual subjected to reason and circumstance; it is the purity of an individual relationship with God. Humans have the capacity to put all good things into one thought. All the interpretations and their conflict through faith and politics are conceived as one of God’s spiritual enrichment. In this transformation, you’re not absent in faith in any interaction and conversation as it establishes hope, seeks, and meaning to perpetual good. Any change cannot alter the narrative made in understanding each other, leading to a solution to belief in God.
The readiness for the day is like a doctor, engineer, spiritual leader, political leader, businessman, and soldier, or teacher so on…, resembling titles of service to provide solutions to human existence. However, the conflict-free mind of faith and politics is arrival in welcoming energy, firmness, and stillness to the abundance in identity, belief, and behavior through the crisscrossing observations and surroundings imbibe scramble to create freedom in abundance. Freedom in abundance achieved illumination, and a profound earning strengthens the communication keys in a range of interpretations, a universally living to access answers. And this stillness is coherence to the beauty of heart, and love perpetually applies without prevention, struggle-free to the Life Mountains to premises of human nature and belief to get things done, just like the emotion a carrier to remain supportive to family, social or patriotic issues. This clarity of freedom on our existence as clarity of thought as self-worth to our belonging of identity, belief, and humans fully charged for a successful action due to political turmoil that name labels of too liberal, too conservative so on. And that shows little regard within faiths of religions, pulls up corners of strife, and brings divisions among interactively who we are. This clarity reminds the most important aspect of faith and politics; the things you admire for your well-being are at crossroads to re-evaluate due to the fact human course of interaction is viewed with new advancements to human resolve. And those aspiring to do well can exert with new profile equals by self-worth for a human are a solution to human problems. With clarity being binding that unifies motion and its conflict-free mind on faith and politics, individuals have one master story for identity and belief; therefore, it is resolved with the pervasiveness of thought has met its limitless with its own upright universality for the service of humankind to the grinding observation of thought that steps into seeking favors from one another in faith and politics, renew their pledge with various hidden initiatives.
However, with the great truth conscious for identity and belief, every individual can truly participate in harmony and peace. With that universal elevation of individual capacity where an individual becomes a person of many things, this person of many things is a natural person who removes the chaos from human life. There is the individual’s sense of sight, sound, and touch that activate a human who rushes to find solutions with clarity through thought. This is done by removing chaos from human life through our active senses of sight, sound, and touch. In this way, we become effective members of society and can resolve conflicts peacefully. All knowing and all teaching for harmony, love, and happiness; is now a universal comfort from faith and politics. Its common sense relativity of human senses like the eye capturing entire space and time like every breath counts. And as a thought process, prudence emphasizes the awesome greatness and updates the meaningful narration to grasp the indescribable, inaccessible, unfathomable, and all the validations through which damage can be done. But now, revived instruments are useful to build one of us to identity and belief in the universal self-worth of belonging. The great truth of belonging and self-worth is an expression of the connection as compatibility, relationship to know the way is a new reason in faith and politics of humans is a solution to human problems. “Spiritual evolution occurs when we become more connected with our Universal Self,” says Craig. “It’s the journey of connecting with our Soul, or Higher Selves.” The reason that spiritual evolution is important is that it allows us to live a fuller life. When we are able to connect more closely with our universal selves, we can enjoy life much more than if we were disconnected from ourselves. This increased connection also leads to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
Andy Swarna
Author: Religious Freedom Forever
An update to “I believe in God”