Andy Swarna
Andy shares the Great Truth, the master story of faith and politics, the universal story of politics and religious freedom. This story is independent of any subject matter expertise.
Just like we make leaders, doctors, engineers, lawyers and so forth to provide solutions to human issues., Great Truth centers unity in individuals over the issues that divide us and create conflict in identity, belief and behavior. It connects us with the most productive, useful and meaningful motivation to impact human life, being solution providers of faith and politics with unity of identity and unity of belief resulting universally many to one.
Have Great Truth centered unity, person of interest make meaning in life
universal by identity, belief, and behavior.
Great Truth – Brainstorm
How important it is for you to impact on issues that
divide us and create problems and conflict among us?
It could be a national conflict or religious issue, race, caste, gender issue, ethnicity, language issue or prosperity, relationship or culture issue.
In a nutshell, the issues that divide us are at the summit of identity and belief.
If you are concerned about these problems, then you can make an impact as Solution Provider by Great Truth Master Story of Faith and Politics or Universal Story of Politics and Religious Freedom.
We seek motivation to find answers that center ourselves to navigate successfully with necessary action.
Whereas with Great Truth centered unity, we have
- Unity by Identity: Universal meaning of understanding each other.
- Unity by Belief: Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem.
It connects us with the most productive, useful and meaningful motivation to impact human life, being solution providers of faith and politics with unity of identity, belief and behavior, resulting universally many to one.
Have Great Truth Centered unity, make meaning in life universal by identity, belief and behavior.
Universal story or Master Story:
Universal story is from religious freedom. We know religious freedom as result of thinking of history is a fundamental human right, it is freedom of conscious, to believe or not to believe in God. However, result of thinking doesn’t end with human right, it has a master story or universal story.
This master story is based on one incident in history. And this is not an ordinary incident. It is one of the rare incidents with a message that updates human identity and belief.
To simplify,
- It is not a love story of a poor boy and a rich girl or a rich boy and a poor girl who fell in love, or conflicting social diversities thereby expecting hurdles.
- It is not a rush for a business idea to get hold of it first.
- It is not a secret that will check someone’s election or the country’s security.
However, it is that human behaviors can be altered for the decisiveness of an institution to set the course of this is what it is as an action, direction and competence, thereby it’s service to love, judgement, trust and loyalty; since there is no such thing that there is no conflict between identity and belief; and so no such thing as harmony of identity and belief; there is no psychological image to the conflict resolution of faith and politics.
All these scenarios represent underdeveloped due to origins of identity, belief and behavior there by open to penetration to create problems and conflict.
This underdevelopment and differences to face each other as ideological differences at religious freedom; one ideology always tries to inject religion into politics thereby into government and other positions itself on religious freedom as human right.
Here as external behavior and influences, inquiry of thought, and the logic that connects A to B, thought movement, causes of corruption, discerning capacity that respond with deep attachments to socio, religious, and economic outcomes; Intellectual attachment that cannot let go due to idea is not born from their domain, causing stir to their heart and unrest to their mental capacity thereby inward battle to match or overtake the idea; the government secret methods;
In a nutshell hard and conflict conversations;
The conclusion to the invention of knowledge is to experience unlimited exponential inquiry of thought to external activity as there is no higher knowledge to penetrate the phenomenon of self and psyche. The instrument of thought is completed as investigating itself that makes holistic independent subject matter.
It elevates human life in one incident in history. One story for all stories. Thought to thought resolution with what humans can define and cannot define of the soul by nature witnessed hard and conflict resolutions.
And this result of thought, we have the reality of natural identity in and through the master story of faith and politics. And decisiveness for justice, love, trust and loyalty is not conflict by identity and belief. And it is the individual’s harmony that builds unity by identity and belief. In its enduring transformation, humans are no strangers to humanity of greater than any force and useful than any creativity.
Great Truth Consciousness:
Who is the person next to you? The person next to you could be your father, mother, brother, sister, or a friend, however, when the person next to you is we understand each other, you can have conversation not just up to I believe in God but until Belief in God should be a solution not a problem.
Great Truth Awareness:
Process the meaning to inspire harmony.
It’s an assertion in the contradiction.
Who is individual to People?
Individual of many to one, or Individual of universally many to one?
In many to one, as solution seeker and solution provider to the problems that divide create conflict? We humans remain diversified to the other side, recognize our accomplishment of human rights, and speak of humanity that reaches beyond borders and has compassion.
Whereas universally many to one, individuals are solution provider to the human problems is like doctor, lawyer, leader, businessman, engineer. Just like doctor, the other side is patient, business man, other-side customer, leader other-side is follower, for lawyer other-side is client. For the individual of universally many to one, human solution provider as universal human or natural person, and other side of natural person is “understanding each other.”
In it we have unity by identity and unity by belief.
Unity by Identity: universal meaning of understanding each other.
- Identity means relationship that communicates.
- The best meaning and use of understanding each other, the successful collaborate and
cooperate of universality of doing to self.
- It’s the story of word power covers other side as a result of thinking in the society of relationships, subject matter expertise, the movement of thought, there is no external influence pending that requires transformation to take action for nonconflicting love, harmony, peace, loyalty, and trust for you are one of us by identity and belief.
The best meaning of, intention by motivation, good, better, best, and excellent and to uphold morality and, harmony to discover yourself, find progress, with Great Truth centered unity, you are solution to all the identity issues.
Who is individual to God?
Unity of Belief: Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem
The unity of a person at all intersections of Faith and resolving issues. It embeds Love your God with whole heart, mind and soul.
- Is Religion meant to remove struggle from human life?
- Who is individual to God? Is it faith, interfaith, intra-faith, multi-faith or God and Nation?—Answer, It’s an image subjected to reason and circumstance to the spiritual relationship of “God is forever, I am living forever.” It is the interwoven resolution of knowledge, observation and counter knowledge — the undefined of the soul relationship to, one version of truth in God and Self. Makes an individual undivided by Faith.
- One God spiritual enrichment and remove obstacles for individual relationship with God.
- It is God and People, not God, Government and People.
- Faith is not affirmed by the judgment of politics, and courts.
- God Fulfilled Religious Freedom, Nature witnessed hard and conflict conversations. The one miracle for all miracles.
Unity by Behavior, Identity embeds behavior.
As humanity reaches beyond borders, now centered on universal identity and belief with the wisdom of non-conflict depth to the ideologies to the unity of identity and belief; that understanding imparts the words, meaning that behold constant like a season yields another season affirms the wonder and comfort. Addressing constraints in identity and belief brings attention to intentions to be insightful, with certainty, harmony, peace and constructive change.
With this update, human life is empowered to overcome the differences that create problems and conflicts due to underdeveloped in origins by birth. And build a universal expression of harmony, peace, love, and justice.
Origins by Andy Swarna
1). I belong to Nation and have the clarity to strengthen universal freedom.
2). I belong to Race and have the motivation for undivided unity.
3). I belong to Caste; it inspires to build Caste less society.
4). I belong to Ethnicity imbued in self-togetherness.
5). I have Gender that beholds meaning for equality.
6). I strive for Prosperity, for its freedom in abundance and to multiply.
7). I belong to Religion and know the solution for its harmony and peace.
8). I belong to Culture and can model the universal fabric of beauty.
9). I have Language interwoven by truth is the language of reality.
10). Affirm the behavior centered on unity by identity and belief to success in human nature.