Free by understanding to Result by thinking

Universal Quote

I can stick with my thoughts and ideas because I am clear with them. I wish the same for you.

Universal Belief

The creativity in me capacitates me to know myself from don’t know, and all interferences in life may lead to certainty in one God’s spiritual enrichment.

Free by understanding to Result by thinking

What impact can you make?

Suppose this question is asked as part of filling up an application, as a discussion of an informed person, we consider every public service makes an impact, including a donation to a cause, working to alienate social illnesses, united nations sustainable development goals, satisfaction being a doctor, community development, religious community activities, impact as an employee is being productive, as a motivational speaker sharing more valuable ideas and intentions so on and on to think off.

The impact as such is from personal growth to social and spiritual impact.

However, the universality of impact understands to be free by understanding through the depth of understanding as a subject matter expertise; experience or idea becomes an interface to the desired outcome, the result of thinking.

As an example,

–Let’s say on a Friday before leaving office, an employee has all check marks for the next Monday, making it ready for the weekend.

–If you ask a professor to describe the collection of books in their personal library, in that response, anyone gets a grasp of interest in that collection and how passionate in exposition.

–And of course, the student preparation for the exam, the best effort for the outcome.

Whereas staging of the individual who created this society, its psychological structure or the image essential to each one of us. Its social structure and its relation to the problems, and to be completely free by making an impact, we need a great deal of energy, considerable energy, vitality, as obvious as how complex an individual is who is part of the society.

This complex individual is the mirror of the master story of faith and politics. To observe self, thereby observing problems in each one of us. And listening to the expectations in each one of us by dissipating the energy over hopelessness, confusion, lack of energy, and misery leading to the discovery of intelligence, and analysis is nothing but free by understanding, with the external determination as a solution provider, resulting of thinking to human identity, belief and behavior issues.

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