The invisible war is the battle of your mind; it is intense. It tests your faith. When people cannot hear God because they cannot connect with God, they begin to face problems, their minds get broken, and they feel disoriented as their minds are occupied with the battle of sin.
The Scripture identifies Satan, the devil, as the specific enemy of God who has sought to thwart God’s plan, harm humans, and lead them away from God. Besides Satan, Scripture names many other enemies of God; they are spiritual enemies. These are the evil ways that lead us to commit sinful acts. The devil uses our mental space as his battlefield to deviate us from the right path. One of the devil’s favorite tactics is to tell lies and speak to people convincingly that they believe it as truth. Many people are destroyed due to a lack of understanding of Satan’s deception towards God’s creatures.
What causes Conflicted Mind?
- Identity Crisis
Identity involves the experiences, relationships, beliefs, values, and memories that make up a person’s subjective sense of self. This helps to build or destroy a continuous self-image. An identity crisis leads to the formation of identity. When a person develops self-image conflict, he develops internal conflict that contradicts his beliefs. Some conflicting questions that arise in his mind are who I am? What is my role in society or purpose in life? What are my values, passions, and spiritual beliefs? If a person feels confused or has negative feelings about himself, this indicates that he is experiencing identity status crises. If a person constantly feels resentment, he might become vulnerable to depression, low mood, and anxiety. Having a mental health condition such as bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder may also increase the identity crisis.
- Moral and religious conflict
These conflict arises when we hold conflicting beliefs about personal ethics, beliefs, and values. For example, moral conflict could occur when a person believes in human rights but doesn’t value and understand the truth. In the same way, religious conflicts arise when a person faces scientific facts and spiritual values, truth and religious belief. Consequently, these conflicts may cause the mind to become disorganized and chaotic.
- Emotional conflict
It is a state of disharmony between incompatible intense emotions, such as love and hate, or the desire for success and fear of failure that causes distress to the individual. The Emotional conflict gives rise to tension and makes the person physically and mentally disturbed. Intrapersonal conflicts may make a person psychologically torn, and he may lose equilibrium. The individual is caught between two repelling threats, fears, or situations, and he remains indecisive.
How to Win the Battle for Your Mind
God’s Word tells us that He expects several things from us regarding conflict resolution: humility, forgiveness, love, and action.
- Don’t Believe Everything You Think.
The world may give us false suggestions, and we are bombarded with those false ideas all the time. Satan also creates deceptive thoughts in the mind. Our minds are broken by sin; this means we cannot trust even what we think, ourselves. We jump to conclusions and experience misjudgment while making decisions. The Scripture tells us to fill our minds with the right things. It includes reading the scriptures, praying to God, listening to God’s words will help to instill positive and healthy thoughts. Having the company of the right people will help to fix your mind on the right things. Hence, you will be able to make conscious right decisions.
- Humility
God commands us many times to be humble towards ourselves. Humility is a fruit of the Spirit, and it’s opposite to pride, lack of empathy, and anger. Humbling require us to develop self-reflection. Having self-reflection allows us to eliminate negative traits such as pride, greed, arrogance, and self-indulgence.
- Forgiveness
Forgiveness is one of those things that can be hard to grasp. Forgiveness is an individual, voluntary internal process of letting go of feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness, anger. Forgiveness is an act of the will through the power of the Spirit. It is a choice; we can move towards forgiveness. Forgiveness helps restore positive thinking, build relationships, reduce anxiety, and strengthen spirituality.
- Truth is never invented; it is only discovered.
The Bible says, “Wise men store up knowledge” (Proverbs 10:14 NIV).This implies we develop knowledge of truth through developing the five levels of learning. This includes knowledge. Perspective. Conviction. Character and Skill. We can gain knowledge and wisdom from reading the Scripture. We pursue knowledge of the Word of God, then develop a perspective on God’s decision. As we build understanding, we have convictions. It is the opinion or argument that you argue about.
Consequently, it helps you to know about right and wrong. Once develop convictions, we form character and habits. Positive habits help to build our faith in God. Building good character and skills lead to a successful life.
An identity crisis is a developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world. Identity diffusion occurs when a person faces an identity crisis. Having a status of identity diffusion tends to feel a person out of place in the world and unable to pursue a sense of identity. Therefore, a person feels confused and disoriented and cannot make healthy decisions in life.
To further enhance your knowledge about Conflicted Mind and Behavior, read the Religious Freedom Forever By Andy Swarna. Andy is an out-of-the-box thinker. He identifies himself as a self-learner. He is always concerned about resolving issues that people face in their daily lives. The author’s journey in politics, faith, and conflict resolution has revealed a historical fact and a universal truth that sums up the whole creation in a thought. The natural truth helps us envision our perceptions, allowing us to understand the power of honest opinions. To turn your ideas into reality, whether in the form of a resolution, law, or principle, it has to go through a specific process. This process contains knowledge from different thinkers, philosophers, ideologists, and historians. As suggested by thinkers and ideologists, using knowledge and the universal truth helps to reach one’s goals in faith and politics. Andy’s work has enabled him to devise a plan, a purpose, and being universal human is a solution to all human problems.
Reading the book lets us know about evil forces that tempt us to commit sin. People are unable to hear God because their minds are broken, and they cannot seem to connect to God. Therefore, their minds remain confused and disorganized, and they cannot reach optimum decision-making. Since our minds are broken by sin, it means we cannot trust even what we think. Therefore, we should read scriptures to build our faith.
Moreover, to grow your mind, and enhance the knowledge of the truth, develop your five levels of learning—knowledge, wisdom, conviction, character, and skill. Hence, humility, forgiveness, love, and action help build conflict resolution and lead to spiritual regeneration.