The universal approach to connect Morals and Ethics

According to 'God fulfilled religious freedom,' self-accountability means recognizing that everyone is important in addressing identity, belief, and behavior issues. This principle is served with each person declaring, 'I am the solution to all social and spiritual issues.'

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Indian Christian Day Uses Martyrdom of Apostle Thomas to Unite the Diaspora

July 3 has long been observed as Saint Thomas Day, commemorating the death of the apostle considered by many to be the patron saint of India. Now it is also celebrated as Indian Christian Day (Yeshu Bhakti Divas), an annual opportunity for Jesus followers of Asian Indian origin to preserve their distinctive identity and their global presence by uniting across their many languages, denominations, regions, customs, and creeds.

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The fight against Hindu nationalism in the United States is multifaith, says a newly formed coalition

I have known Rev. Peter Cook for several years. We first met at a FIACONA (Federation of Indian Christian Organizations of North America) meeting and have since connected at various gatherings discussing religious issues, including the annual IRF summit in Washington, D.C. I want to express my gratitude to Peter for generously sharing his valuable experience and insights.

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Infallible development in Faith and Politics

Greetings, everyone, I am Andy Swarna, the Founder and President of Great Truth, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the universal meaning of life. I have some exciting news to share with you. But before I do, let's ensure we're all on the same page. My question serves to clarify the exciting news, as I'm eager to share it with each of you. In the last 50 years, what significant developments have propelled our society forward?

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Our Success with Belief w/ Rev. Larry Goleman

Welcome to “Our Success with Belief”, a dialogue with Rev. Larry Goleman. I am Andy Swarna, founder and president of GT, Great Truth, a non-profit organization. Author of Religious Freedom Forever and American Value Forever. I educate, motivate, and promote "the real world human development" which is about an individual centered universal meaning of life. “This universal meaning of life contains two distinct dialogues, “our success with identity and belief.”

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Great Truth – A Prophecy Fulfilled

Hi, I am Andy, In my previous video I have mentioned the source of Belief in God should be a solution not a problem is Prophetic message. In this video I will elaborate Great Truth in terms of fulfillment of Prophecy. Everybody who carried God Almighty’s message on earth are primarily called Prophets. Apart from elevated titles. The essential theme of the Prophets’ life always enriches previous messages; they don’t compete. Rather reiterate and remind what was spoken before; moving forward with what is new and unique to comfort.

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Belief in God should be a solution not a problem.

Is living a life of; One God and Non-Conflict. >> In detail: What is the source to say belief in God should be a solution, not a problem? The answer is, the conflict in I believe in God is resolved. In other words, I believe in God is conflict, it has disagreements, disagreements between ideologies of Faith and politics. However, the conflict is resolved not by ideologies that support conscious and religious freedom of believe or don’t believe by law nor by God and nation thinkers who take swing at the matter for their interest; rather, by who is the individual to God? The purity of individual relationship to God. The individual relationship to God is the soul of that cannot be defined.

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Prayer, a question?

Since I published an article on my blog that people know Religious Freedom but not aware of God Fulfilled Religious Freedom, I have received suggestions to elaborate on my Faith and Prayer or Faith based issues. Let’s begin, My Faith is not Abstract; My Faith in God the Father is in my breadth, in my emotion, in my thoughts, in my intentions, in the touch of soul and in my undefined soul who reveals Himself. That concludes my support, my participation, protest, agitation, every context, in my sleep, what I see, conscious, subconscious, put, everything and above everything, My Father Almighty is with me, I have my Prayer in and through My Faith is not Abstract.

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