The universal approach to connect Morals and Ethics

According to 'God fulfilled religious freedom,' self-accountability means recognizing that everyone is important in addressing identity, belief, and behavior issues. This principle is served with each person declaring, 'I am the solution to all social and spiritual issues.'

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Why Christians should be vary of voting for BJP

The BJP in Kerala sounds very inclusive. They hardly direct their ire at the Christian community. Most of their fire is aimed at the ‘anti-national elements’ in the Muslim community. They also work feverishly to create a wedge between both prominent minority communities through various insidious plans and often with allegations pitting one against the other.

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Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

People often discount evidence that contradicts their firmly held beliefs. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that govern this behavior. We used neuroimaging to investigate the neural systems involved in maintaining belief in the face of counterevidence,

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Infallible development in Faith and Politics

Greetings, everyone, I am Andy Swarna, the Founder and President of Great Truth, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the universal meaning of life. I have some exciting news to share with you. But before I do, let's ensure we're all on the same page. My question serves to clarify the exciting news, as I'm eager to share it with each of you. In the last 50 years, what significant developments have propelled our society forward?

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Don’t Tread On Me!

During the streets or traditional demonstrations of the American people, we see a yellow flag with a snake in the middle, with the words "DONT TREAD ON ME" underneath. This flag often appears with the flag of the United States of America, partly expressing the patriotic meaning and the spirit of protecting national traditions of the American people.

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Our Success with Belief w/ Rev. Larry Goleman

Welcome to “Our Success with Belief”, a dialogue with Rev. Larry Goleman. I am Andy Swarna, founder and president of GT, Great Truth, a non-profit organization. Author of Religious Freedom Forever and American Value Forever. I educate, motivate, and promote "the real world human development" which is about an individual centered universal meaning of life. “This universal meaning of life contains two distinct dialogues, “our success with identity and belief.”

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Prof. Ramulu Mamidala

Welcome to “Our success with Identity”, a dialogue with Prof. Ramulu. I am Andy Swarna, founder of GT Great Truth, a non-profit organization. Author of Religious Freedom Forever and American Value Forever. I educate, motivate and promote the real world human development; which is about individual centered or self-accountability universal meaning of life. “This universal meaning of life contains two distinct dialogues, “our success with identity and belief.”

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Global Thinker

We think 'fast, slow, and okay' whereas how close to each other we think is the prudence for certainty and predictability. It’s significance everybody is local someplace but the endurance of the meaningful life that occupied our mind that convinces beyond a shadow of doubt is not local anymore but global. Global represents a world that is totally interconnected.

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