U.S. Supreme Court endorses football coach’s on-field- prayers- A Flawed decision

-----------------------------The Court did not consider the Coach’s long history of bringing his faith into the football field and involving students to pray with him. ----------instead, Court said he was practicing prayer as a private matter on the football field. ------------------------------ If faith means removing struggle from human life, it begins with removing the burden of not making avail once faith to political comparisons of God. As an example, the entire history of faith in God faced difficulties from Politics including the persecution of Jesus, a political judgment. Followed by persecution of Apostles. 

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Prayer, a question?

Since I published an article on my blog that people know Religious Freedom but not aware of God Fulfilled Religious Freedom, I have received suggestions to elaborate on my Faith and Prayer or Faith based issues. Let’s begin, My Faith is not Abstract; My Faith in God the Father is in my breadth, in my emotion, in my thoughts, in my intentions, in the touch of soul and in my undefined soul who reveals Himself. That concludes my support, my participation, protest, agitation, every context, in my sleep, what I see, conscious, subconscious, put, everything and above everything, My Father Almighty is with me, I have my Prayer in and through My Faith is not Abstract.

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Boston City Hall-Christian flag. Religious Freedom. U.S. Supreme Court

People know Religious Freedom but are not aware of God Fulfilled Religious Freedom. We know Religious Freedom has been weighed in Courts by two different philosophies. One is a conservative ideology, and another is a liberal ideology. Conservative ideology always pushes Religious agenda into Government in some form, some creative way. And they take it any level to find their appropriation to please their balance. On the contrary, liberal ideology tries its best to strike their appropriation and balance through constitutional interpretation.

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Religious Freedom Issue: Joseph Kennedy v. Bremerton School District

As the author of Religious Freedom Forever, the advancement of faith and politics, I know questions that come across in this scenario, and the same is what I found after reading news about this case today, i.e., April 26, 2022. Such as, Coach Kennedy said: It is his fundamental right to Pray. And students joined him voluntarily. Well known cultural opinion on this matter: What do we teach our children not to Pray? And another side argument brings the depth of the case, based on their study and findings, and how the constitution shall lead its conclusion.

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When the world is on the brink, Neroes of Washington are fiddling! (George Abraham)

The war between Russia and Ukraine is in its second month, and apparently, there is no end in sight! Where are all the peace seekers and peacekeepers? Why is the Secretary-General of the United Nations not shuttling between Kyiv and Moscow? How come there is little interest in finding a peaceful solution to this crisis?

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The Russian Orthodox Church And The World Crisis

Extreme religious or anti-religious engagement of the ruling political forces in modern times would have serious negative consequences for the society as whole and the state apparatus. The Russian experience shows this very clearly. The communist phase of Russia was completely anti-religion. Now Putin’s Russia is deeply associated with the Orthodox Church that suffered a lot during the communist regime.

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Why religious freedom is essential for any society

Religious freedom can be described as a fundamental human right that protects people's right to live, speak, and act according to them publicly and peacefully. It protects their ability to be themselves at a public place, in the workplace, and at social events. Religious freedom is more than the 'freedom to worship' at a mosque, temple, or synagogue. It makes sure that people don't have to change their core values and beliefs to conform to the culture imposed by the government. Here are some reasons why religious freedom is essential for any nation or society:

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