People know Religious Freedom but are not aware of God Fulfilled Religious Freedom.
We know Religious Freedom has been weighed in Courts by two different philosophies. One is a conservative ideology, and another is a liberal ideology. Conservative ideology always pushes Religious agenda into Government in some form, some creative way. And they take it any level to find their appropriation to please their balance. On the contrary, liberal ideology tries its best to strike their appropriation and balance through constitutional interpretation.
In this fight of ideologies, there are always Courts, judges, political influence, and more.
In this circumstance, in terms of Boston City Hall, hosting a Christian flag is obstructed by Lower Courts, whereas U.S. Supreme Court approved with 9-0 votes to let the flag fly, reversing the lower court’s decision. In this circumstance, conservatives are able to lead the power play.
Whereas God Fulfilled Religious Freedom is God Almighty judgment on Faith and Politics, the Religious Freedom. God moved on from Courts, Judgements, Political influences, resolutions and cultures and their thought processes. By giving a new value to understanding, Belief in God should be a solution, not a problem.
And the purity, respect and dignity of His relationship with the individual cannot be altered or contaminated by any religion, or political purposes, leading to judgments and influences. God moved on from Courts and politics and political resolutions. And understanding the value of Belief in God is given to living with conflict resolution of faith and politics. God Fulfilled Religious Freedom.
Miracles with the natural story of an individual are in interwoven resolution. God’s universal relationship with an individual of people and Miracles is universal and natural, and humans cannot bind it with their interpretation. The higher motivation and its feeling and text are natural and universal for every individual of God and people.
I hope and wish U.S. Supreme Court, Courts and Political ideologies consider the historical fact of God Fulfilled Religious Freedom and do not obstruct the truth that it is God and people, not God, Government and people.
So that people live with the potential, revelation, the solution or beyond conflict in faith and politics.