Human Solutions and Clarity of Thought

The best meaning of life is known within the supportive environment that we establish for ourselves, which includes law, politics, science, faith, interfaith, business as well as family and many other derivatives through our knowledge base and subject matter expertise. 

However, the most useful understanding of human solutions is achieved when individuals have individualized control to see and know things, and progress in a self-organized and self-worth-centered manner. In this approach, individuals act as solution providers through., 

If identity involves conflict, then it is not universal. 

If God involves conflict, then it is not universal. 

Similarly, love, peace, harmony, language and so on associated with conflict then  are not universal. 

Then what is universal? 

universality is., 

One thought for all thoughts. 

One consciousness for all conscious. 

One awareness for all awareness. 

One story for all stories, resulting, 

Master image for human interface; and, in individual relationship with God, 

God is solution by one God spiritual enrichment. 

The best meaning of life is universal in that everyone resolves issues related to identity, belief, and behavior. It is nothing but universality of no more transformation required to be thoughtful, passionate and useful that leads to the solution of these issues. Therefore, it is for everyone to say, I am the solution to all social issues and all spiritual issues. In conclusion, the human solutions offered by this universal meaning of life can make an impact in every moment and all intersections of our lives. Thank you. 

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