Universal Quote

When the thought process is purposed to engage in universal space between us, there is no control from another side.

Prayer of Universal Belief

In God’s love for life, you are not lonely and isolated, but discover living every act is the longing for universal longing.

Let’s pray with one God’s spiritual enrichment. Amen.

Competition and Unity of Person

In our modern time, competition is like breadth of life. It stuns when listening to testimonies of grants for research on the advancement of science and technology that they have to put forward; it goes like, it has to be something impossible task as an output that it would take to convince. The human community has witnessed the breadth of competition endured to discover Covid19 vaccine, and its spirit yielded results in just nine months.

Whereas in human to human interaction, we exist unfinished for the universal sovereign unity of the person, trust, and loyalty with its deep roots in politics, faith and culture. This underdevelopment cut the cords to keep together exegetical and expositional to put barriers up.

And the perspectives on human flourishing seek to shift by counting the recent realizations and focusing on what the best needs to be retained from the past, expressing humanity’s better quality, and creating a culture of unity for the future.

And with the live your Great Truth the unity of a person at all intersections of identity, belief and behavior, empowers human flourishing with the sovereign unity of a person, brings to witness eliminating the toxic competition and elevates the clarity of understanding for the quality and unity based on individual universality.

So that we humans are constructively productive by competition. And natural and universal to the unity.

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